Here are copies of the documents relevant to ME 501 for Spring 2024. I'll try to have
all the handouts, homeworks, homework solutions, and exam solutions posted as soon
as they become available. All of them will be in PDF format or MS Word.
Let me know if there are any mistakes or omissions.
Handouts, Announcements, Corrections
- Syllabus
- Media Space Video Lecture Link
- Postulates of thermodynamics
- Handout on thermodynamic properties.
- Example equilibrium calculation of oxygen dissociation
- Note on accurate calculation of collision rates.
- Notes on hydrogen/bromine reaction system.
- Notes on unimolecular reactions, pressure dependence, transition state theory, entropy of activation, and rate limiting steps.
- Notes on zero-dimensional kinetics simulations.
- Paper on diffusion coefficients using the approach I cover in class.
- Section from Williams' classic Combustion Theory text on multicomponent diffusion. Follows Furry's approach. My notes closely follow this section. Read it after Furry's paper (above).
- Notes on diffusion, some of which I will present in class.
- Papers on diffusion supporting the theories presented in class.
- Formulas for getting multicomponent diffusion coefficients from binary diffusion coefficients. From Hirchfelder, Curtiss, and Bird, "Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids."
- Slides on detailed 1-D simulations of flames.
- Figures from the class text on laminar flames.
- Notes on droplet evaporation and combustion.
- Notes on detonations.
- Notes on environmental issues.
- Notes and papers on soot.
- Slides on measurements.
- Notes on heterogeneous combustion.
- Notes on metal combustion.
Exam Materials
- Formula sheet for the midterm exam
- Links
- Class Notes
- Homework Solutions
See Box folder for solutions, spreadsheets, and videos on each homework assignment.